This week has been really great (for lack of more colorful language).
We brought Mowgli home and introduced him to Harrison. They are playing on the bed by my feet as I write this!
The kitchen renovation at our house turned the corner from demolition to construction. Business projects are rolling and Thomas is rolling out a new offer to clients. I earned full-body soreness from the Pilates series I’m following on YouTube.
It feels good to be back home from our trip to California, and it feels like things are moving in a way they haven’t for a while.
You know what, I think it’s actually Winter beginning to yield to Spring.
It feels like a cozy fog is lifting and our world here is opening up beyond the family-holiday-home life bubble it’s been in since November. Building a project like this blog is feeling right to me for the first time. My buzz-cut grow out is now a short bob. So many things that have been a long time coming feel like they have clicked in this time.
I’ve felt a shift to a new season in my relationship with myself.
Over the last couple of weeks I can look back and see myself handling what there is for me to handle and I find a trust in myself I actually didn’t know was missing. It gives me a lot of peace about the future and my ability to make our dreams happen.
I see it as a step in my healing.
I’ve had a hard time with concentration, mental clarity, energy, stamina, and mood swings in the last year (probably longer too), and am finally starting to feel like myself again. Or at least I’m once again starting to feel comfortable identifying with who I am being.
With Thomas I was joking that it feels like we’re a couple living in twenty-something bodies again (if you catch my drift) where it hasn’t felt that way in a couple of years with our lifestyle and health challenges.
I’m so grateful to be experiencing this dawning of a new season, because for us, that was no way to live.